Clear skies with trees and a river


Finance Council 

A Parish Finance Council is required by Universal & Diocesan Law.  Its function is to assist the Pastor who is the administrator of the goods of the parish. The Council coordinates the parish Annual Budget, reviews financial reports, supervises the Church collections and disbursements of funds, coordinates fundraising, and monitors the upkeep of all properties.  This council meets bi-monthly September to June.

Sacred Heart Pastoral Council

"Now there are varities of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are varities of services, but the same Lord; and there are varities of activities, but it is the same God who activiates all of them in everyone." (1 Corinthians 12:4-6)

The Pastor retains responsibility for the governance and pastoral care of the parish. He is the one who calls out the gifts and charisms of others and commissions them for service, affirming and nurturing their ministry. He leads the team in elaborating and implementing various types of decision-making processes that respect the varying nature of the decision to be taken. This Pastoral Group is delegated by the Pastor to carry out specific, sacramental and non-sacamental duties for the parish. This group will be comprised of one member from each Ministry/Group and will be meeting to discuss various ministries, communicate to parishioners and attend to the needs of the church on an "as needed basis" (or once a month) so that faith and prayer can be shared, information given, conflicts resolved and decision taken.

Groups/Committees involved:

The Financial Committee Vice-Chair; The Fundraising Committee Chair; Altar Servers; St. Joseph's Group (Sacristy/Flowers); St. Martha's Group (cleaning Church/Hall); Lector Coordinator; Eucharistic Coordinator; Hospitality Coordinator (Ushers/Greeters); The Catholic Women's League President; The Knights of Columbus Grand Knight; Music Ministry Coordinator; Choir Coordinator; The 10:30 Choir; The Children's Liturgy of the Word Sunday Program Coordinator; Sacramental Preparation for Confirmation Coordinator; Sacramental Preparation for First Reconciliation/First Holy Communion; Restless Outreach Program; Marriage Encounter Coordinator (Baptism/Adult Faith Educational Meetings/RCIA); Narthex Addition Coordinator; Cemetary Coordinator; Holy Name School Representative.