Clear skies with trees and a river

Parish Volunteers

We thank all our dedicated volunteers who give of their time, talents and gifts to our Sacred Heart Faith Community by serving others in the various Ministries:  

“You are the Salt of the Earth…You are the Light of the World.” 

Liturgical Committee; Parish Council; Finance Council; Ministers of the Word; Ministers of the Eucharist;  Altar Servers; Children’s Liturgy of the Word Sunday Program; Sacramental Preparation Catechists; Musicians; Choir Members; Sacred Heart Cemetery Coordinator & Clean-up; Altar Society; Ushers; The Catholic Women’s League; The Knights of Columbus; Sunday Coffee & Friendship; Bible Camp; Monday morning Money Counters; Fundraising Committee Members; Bazaar Committee Members; Annual Golf Tournament Committee,  and many more behind the scene.

Mother Teresa, Catholic Missionary, Nobel Peace Prize Recipient

At the end of life we will not be judged by how many diplomas we have received, how much money we have made,

how many great things we have done.

We will be judged by ‘I was hungry and you gave me to eat,

I was naked and you clothed me,

I was homeless and you took me in.

Hungry not only for bread — but hungry for love.  Naked not only for clothing — but naked for human dignity and respect.

Homeless not only for want of a room of bricks — but homeless because of rejection.

The Volunteers’ Prayer

Lord, may you smile upon me, that I with an open heart give my time and help my fellow parishioner by doing what I can, with love. 

Lord may you be pleased with me and let me be aware to not judge others but to feel joy in giving. 

Lord let me always know that each little act of kindness and the small tasks I do

are acts of grand proportions and are reflections of you. 

Thank you Lord for letting me have in my heart, soul and mind the wisdom and the knowledge of the power of being kind and

thank you for the opportunity that I encounter every day to give my smile or kind word to empower another’s way

for we are all linked to each other and with your grace from heaven above guide me to follow your footsteps

and shine through my heart and life your love. 


V is for the Very special people that you are

O is for the Overwhelming support & compassion you offer to others during their time of need

L is for the Little things you do that make such a difference in someone’s life

U is for the Unspoken words that sometimes mean just as much

N is for the Need you fill when others aren’t able

T is for the Time you give of yourselves on top of your own busy schedules

E is for the Emotional support you continually give

E is also for the Endless energy you all seem to possess

R is for the Responsibility you have taken on and never once complained

S is for the Smiles you bring by just being YOU!